Phish Bowl Alerts
Beware solicitations from the "Medical Research Archives" or "European Society of Medicine", whose polite promises mask what some consider to be a rather predatory business with significant publication fees. The post European Society of Medicine solicitations provides an alternate example, with and more discussion in this thread on ResearchGate. See also Beall's List for a compilation of "Potential predatory scholarly open‑access publishers", and the site ThinkCheckSubmit for more advice.
From: Emergency Medicine Editorial Committee <>
Date: Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 6:08 AM
Subject: Trauma in Pregnancy: A Clinical Update for Obstetrician-Gynecologists article
To: Josiah Carberry <>
Dear Dr. Josiah Carberry,
I wanted to get in touch with you about your emergency medicine work. I enjoyed your article [redacted] and was wondering what further research you have done on this topic. This year I am helping to create a special theme issue titled New Perspectives on Emergency Medicine which will be published in the official journal of the European Society of Medicine. Your work could be a valuable addition to the theme issue and I hope you would be willing to discuss the possibility of preparing an article.
Is this something you might consider?
Best Regards,
Section editor
Emergency Medicine Editorial Committee
Medical Research Archives
European Society of Medicine
ISSN: 2375-1924
NLM (PubMed) ID: 101668511
From: MRA Editorial Board <>
Date: Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 2:09 PM
Subject: COVID-19 research?
To: Josiah Carberry <>
Dear Dr. Josiah Carberry,
If you have a few minutes I wanted to discuss your COVID-19 research. I am serving as the editor of a special theme issue on Advancements in COVID-19 which will be released by the European Society of Medicine next year and I was thinking that something related to your work on " [ redacted ] " would be interesting to include in the issue. Perhaps you could tell me more about your research in this area.
This could be in the form of a research article or even a review article.
Might this be a possibility?
L. Smith, M.D.
Medical Research Archives
European Society of Medicine
Online ISSN: 2375-1924
Print ISSN: 2375-1916
PubMed ID: 101668511