The Phish Bowl ( was created as the one spot to check for phishing attempts reported at Brown, so we encourage you to visit the Phish Bowl for the latest alerts and see the newest scam variations.
To keep us apprised of suspicious/potentially harmful email you receive, simply use your Phish Alert button (the phish hook icon located in your email Inbox) to report it. Read Report Phishing using the Phish Alert button for details on how and when to use the Phish Alert button.
Note: There is no need to report any phishing email located in your Spam or Trash folder. In fact, the Phish Alert button does not work on these as they have already been appropriately handled.
If you ever have a question about an email, such as if it might be legitimate, contact us at This account is only monitored during regular business hours. If you did respond to the email in some way, then your account or personal information could be compromised. Please follow the instructions listed here as soon as possible.
- Need help? Contact the IT Service Center: 401-863-4357 or (more options at