Office of Information Technology
Tags Students Faculty Staff

Loaner Laptops, Cameras and Projectors


Need a loaner? The following equipment can be signed out at the IT Service Center. For current models and availability, get in touch or view this article.

  • Windows laptops
  • Mac laptops
  • Webcams

Here's what you need to know about borrowing from us:

  • Equipment is usually checked out for a week at a time, but renewal for one additional week is generally allowed if the equipment is not on a waitlist.
  • Equipment is available on a first-come/first-served basis.
  • There is no rental fee, but we charge a late fee of $5 per day if the equipment isn't returned on time.
  • Use of equipment should be limited to Brown University academic and administrative functions.
  • A valid Brown ID is required at pick up for the equipment.

Request this Service

Visit our self-service equipment portal at or email Our current hours and more information about the Service Center is available on our Help page.