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Tags Students Faculty Staff

Google Groups


Google Groups provide a means to receive email at a general (rather than personal) address.  Email sent to the address is redirected to one or more individuals at their personal addresses, and not held in a central mailbox. Google Groups can also be used to assign permissions within Google, such as the ability to view a Google Calendar, Document, or Site.

Google Groups can receive messages from any address, only from group members, or only from managers, depending on the group settings. These settings also affect members' ability to RSVP to events sent to the group.

Google Course Groups have all the features of Google Groups but are specifically used for a course. The student enrollment is kept up to date based on Banner registration for the course, and additional members, including those who do not have addresses, can be added. 

BrownGroups allows you to maintain Google Group membership automatically based on department (with the ability to add / remove individuals).

Google Groups are similar in functionality to a Listserv, but are more integrated into Brown's Google environment. If you would rather have mail delivered to a centralized mailbox, see Shared Mailboxes.

Comparison of Group Email Options

Request this Service

Non-course Google Groups can be requested by filling out the online access request form.

Google Groups for Brown courses can be requested via


  • Browser Requirements are maintained by Google
  • All browsers must have cookies and JavaScript enabled to use Google Apps