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Data Visualization (Tableau)


Tableau is a visual analytics platform.

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Free Tableau software:

  • Tableau for Teaching provides instructors free Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, and eLearning licenses along with bulk licenses for student courses and labs.
  • Tableau for Students provides students with free Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, and eLearning licenses.
  • Tableau Public is a free application for anyone to create visualizations with non-private data and publish them to the web.
  • Tableau Reader is a desktop application you can use to open and interact with Tableau content created by someone else and shared with you locally.

Enterprise software:

  • Enterprise Creator licenses are for data analysts who create content. It includes two software products: Tableau Desktop to connect with, analyze, and visualize data and Tableau Prep Builder to integrate, clean, and prepare data. Staff can visit our Get Started page for information about requesting a Creator license.
  • Tableau Server is an enterprise business intelligence platform that enables Tableau Creators to publish user-friendly, visual, interactive data visualizations and dashboards and securely share them with authorized viewers across Brown to support data exploration and decision-making. All staff have access to log into and view content that has been shared with them.