Office of Information Technology
May 18, 2020
Tags Legitimate Email

HireRight: A Brown partner who conducts background verifications

Phish Bowl Alerts

The following are a couple of examples of notifications sent through HireRight, who has partnered with Brown University to conduct background verifications. If you receive an email from HireRight and are unsure why, we suggest that you forward the email to to determine the reason they sent it.

From: HireRight Customer Support <>
Date: Mon, May 18, 2020 at 11:52 AM
Subject: Brown University Background Verification Request for Josiah Carberry
To: Josiah_Carberry <>

We are here to help you get hired.
Let's start your background verification now.

Dear Josiah,

Brown University has partnered with HireRight to conduct your background verification. Please use our online portal to provide your information. Disclosures from Brown University regarding this background verification will be provided, and your consent will be required before HireRight can begin processing your background verification.

Questions about background verifications?

You may have questions about how background verifications work. To learn more and view many frequently asked questions, please access the page for your region:

Asia Pacific
Europe, Middle East and Africa

Need assistance? HireRight is happy to help. Please contact or call one of the numbers listed here .

HireRight Customer Support

Image examples:

HireRight image examples

HireRight image examples