Office of Information Technology
June 23, 2020
Tags Phishing Email (on campus)

Be careful with this message (Gmail anti-spoofing warning message)

Phish Bowl Alerts

An example of the new Gmail anti-spoofing warning message has been reported, providing an excellent opportunity to remind Phish Bowl readers of the service activated on Thursday, June 18th.

At that time, CIS made a change to Brown email to better protect against email spoofing. If Google suspects that a message is an instance of email spoofing, a warning banner is displayed at the top of the message in Gmail, as shown below. The warning banner allows the recipient to take action by reporting the message as spam or phishing or reporting the message as safe.

To learn more about why this may appear and how to check whether an email is legitimate, read the IT Knowledgebase article Gmail anti-spoofing warning message

Banner message:
Be careful with this message
Josiah carberry is similar to a lname in your organization, but the email address does not belong to your domain or Brown University Mail couldn't verify that it actually came from Avoid replying to this email unless you reach out to the sender by other means to ensure that this email address is legitimate.

[ Looks safe ]

Email message:

Hello Are you available? Please I need your assistance urgently

Dr. Josiah Carberry

Professor of Psychoceramics
