Phish Bowl Alerts
Watch out for this clever phishing attempt that uses an actual BOA subject line and other impersonation tricks. Be sure to verify the four-digit number supplied before replying. If you receive a bogus email like this, please mark it as phishing (open the message in a browser, click on the stack of three dots to the right of the REPLY button and select "Report phishing").
From: <>
Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 5:29 AM
Subject: Bank of America - Fraud Alert
To: <>
We have identified unusual activity on your credit card account ending in 1318.
A transaction in the amount of $216.00 was attempted Mar 04, 2022 by SQUARESPACE INC..
To prevent any disruptions in using your card, please call our Fraud Specialists toll-free at [Number removed] or the number on the back of your card.
Thank You,
Bank of America
NOTE - This email message was sent from an automated system. Please do not reply to this email.