Office of Information Technology
Tags Faculty Staff

SSL Certificates


OIT has made an arrangement with InCommon for issuing digital certificates (cert). A cert is an electronic file containing personal information about its owner as well as the owner's public key, used to establish a web site owner's credentials when transactions on the Internet must be secured. Requests are managed by the office of Computing Accounts and Passwords (CAP).

Request this Service

Submit an OIT request by opening a ticket. Enter a Ticket Subject such as 'SSL Certificate Request', then click the dropdown menu 'Please select a category for your request' and select HELP Ticket/Request. Include the following information in the 'Additional Details' section of the ticket:

  • "Common name" (i.e. the name of the server)
  • Type of cert (SSL, Intranet SSL, Wildcard SSL, or Multi-Domain SSL)
  • Server software ( Apache, HP, Microsoft IIS, Oracle, Red Hat, etc)
  • Term of the cert (one, two, or three years)
  • CSR

If you need any support on the filling out of the ticket, please contact the CAP directly at or 3-4357. If you do not have Remedy access, you may also contact the Help Desk to file the ticket.

If you frequently need to generate SSL certificates we can also provide an InCommon account of your own for self-service access to certificate requests. Please contact the CAP, as above, for more information.